Thursday, March 13, 2008

dis·cov·er (verb) :
1. To notice or learn
2. To learn about for the first time in one's experience

As I was looking at this blog, I became motivated to take pictures of life through Quinn's world...of the things he loves, the things that capture his precious attention, and the things I don't want us to forget. This isn't going to be a blog of many words...maybe just a short explanation of the picture. But, I feel that it will give you a glimpse into his world and remind me of what a blessing it is to be his mommy! I hope you enjoy the innocence of seeing things "through Quinn's eyes" as much as I do.

1 comment:

amy dawn said...

I came to this from Cara's blog, and I came to that from somewhere else- don't remember now! But this is an awesome concept, hilarious and precious at the same time. It's a simple way for your friends to catch up with what he's doing I'm sure!